Natural remedies are always more effective in killing dog fleas

It does not matter whether one is a dog lover or a cat lover  every pet owner has to face the problem of dealing with cat and dog fleas. Dog fleas are such a menace that they cannot be removed easily. There are of course many dog flea medications which claim to kill these fleas as well as ticks however it has been seen that these medications are harmful at least to some pets as these are heavily laden with pesticides.


It has always been accepted by vets that the best flea medication is always in the arms of mother nature. So if you are a pet lover then you must read on to find some amazing remedies of dog fleas control through the natural way of course.


  • Lavender and pure cedar oil


This is the most easiest way to kill dog fleas. You just need to take 600ml of water and in that add a few drops of both these oils, put this solution in a spray bottle. Make sure you do not add too much of these oils. Then shake it well and after bathing your dog you can spray this solution on it.


You need to wipe the dog after bathing and only when its coat is dry then this herbal oil mixed in water must be sprayed. Let the dog dry naturally or you can use a dryer. Make sure that you so not spray this on a cat as cats are allergic to these herbal oils.

  • Diathomaceous Earth


Diathomaceous Earth is excellent in killing dog fleas as well as ticks. It is easy to get this and as far as application is considered, you just need to take some powder and apply all over the pet. Make sure that you part the pet’s fur and then only put this powder. You can also put some on the pet’s head but make sure that this powder does not enter the dog’s eyes and ears.



Well there are various other natural remedies of killing ticks as well dog fleas but this method of killing the small vampires is very effective and will suit almost all types of dog breeds.