Save your furry friends from the atrocities of flea and ticks

An important part of pet care regimen is protecting your pet from fleas and ticks. However, the job is well said than done. The fleas and ticks existin g in your pet amounts to only a small percentage of the number in terms of the animal environment. These pests, especially the fleas can live outside in the environment, in your courtyard’s soil, grass and even in the crevices in the sidewalks. At the same time, they can also dwell in your living room rugs and carpets, bedding, cracks in floors, etc.


For starters, start with the basics such as combing your pet daily with a flea comb. Along with that vacuum frequently and at the same time opt for proper disposal of the bags immediately after you are done. Also, mow the areas of the lawn where you’re pet spend  a lot of time. Wash your pet’s bedding weekly as well as washes your pet with a shampoo which is devoid of pesticides.

Many pet owners opt for commercially available pesticide based flea and control products. Before buying these products try to follow these steps so as to prevent problems.


  • Talk to a seasoned veterinarian first.
  • Consider the health concers in terms of certain ingredients included in the products.
  • Read as well follow all instructions when using these products.
  • Avoid using these products on elderly and pregnant pets.
  • Many pet owners tend to do this but don’t half a “large dog” dose for two small dogs or the other way round.
  • Be certain of your pet’s weight before you proceed to buy these products.
  • Avoid using cat treatments on dogs and vice versa.


Using pesticides can be can be your saving grace for a short period of time. However, if you want to give your pet a suitable treatment for long term, try the methods mentioned above